Vorfahrt ÖPNV! Mobilität für alle und gute Arbeit für die Beschäftigten des ÖPNV. Anfang 2024 wurden wir vom Bündnis WIR FAHREN ZUSAMMEN eingeladen, eine Kartierungsmethode zu entwickeln, um Arbeitsbelastungen, Forderungen und Potentiale mit streikenden Kolleg*innen der Nahverkehrsbetriebe zu entwickeln. Zusammen mit der Leipziger Ortsgruppen und Beschäftigten der Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe (LVB) haben wir die Methode und passenden Materialien erarbeitet.
Mapping with Some Call Us Balkans
Invited by the ZKU, which we still remember very well as the location of the release event of Not-an-atlas, we organised a collective mapping workshop with the actors of the […]
León Ferrari – exposición, mapeo, mural
Para la exposición «León Ferrari – Reproduciéndolos infinitamente» en la galería neurotitan en Berlin, kollektiv orangotango realizó un mapping colectivo. En colaboración con Sol Undurraga realizamos un mural en el patio de Haus Schwarzenberg para el Día Internacional contra las Desapariciones Forzadas 2021.
Map: Housing Struggles in Times of the Pandemic – Brazil
This map gives visibility to the struggles for the right to housing in times of Covid-19 in Brazil and provides useful information to those threatened by the increased housing precarity that this crisis has led to.
A Right to a Garden City?
The urban gardens of Berlin exist under the recurring threat of closure. As part of the Gemeingut Grün Fact-Finding Committee at the Center for Art and Urbanism (ZK/U), Kerstin Meyer and Marco Clausen formulated a draft for a tenure treaty for Berlin gardens.
Body Mapping at Birmingham UCU Teachouts
As part of the Birmingham UCU Teachouts, we conducted the workshop «Bodies, Maps, Words: A Creative Writing Workshop» with James Lewis and Cristina Fernández Recasens. Starting from the question of how we unlearned to perceive geographical space through physical feelings and intentions by maps, we asked how we actually perceive and create university space with our bodies.
Solidarity and Assistance in Rio Grande do Sul
In the wake of the Corona pandemic, together with activist geographers of the UFRGS’s Geografia Litoral, we created this map to support solidarity organizing in Rio Grande do Sul.
eco*walking beyond – mapping, narrating
In December 2019, in cooperation with some of our long-time fellow academics, activists and friends, we organized a series of activities on mapping, walking and narrating urban space.
Collective cartography in the Dreamlab – Hyperwerk, Basel
In the ‘Dreamlab’, students of the Bachelor Process Design at the Institute Hyperwerk of the HGK Basel discussed issues at the intersection of society and design with kollektiv orangotango in a one-week mapping workshop.
The whiteboard-tutorial ‘On our and other maps ‘ – drawing by Jonathan Wright – is a quick and easy introduction to critical cartography and collective mapping. The video may be […]
L’Adolescenza delle Città
Im Projekt L’Adolescenza delle Città erforschten Menschen verschiedenen Alters, mit und ohne Migrationserfahrung, die selbst in unterschiedlichen Stadtteilen leben, Mailänder Peripherien. Die einjährige Aktionsforschung wurde vom Arbeitsbereich Città e Cittadinanza […]
sOs – school WITHOUT school
sOs – school WITHOUT school („Schule OHNE Schule“) means for us learning in society. That implies leaving the school building: Out of the classroom, on streets, in parks and on squares. Instead of curriculum and authority figures, we dealt with self-organised discussions, decisions and actions. Learning in and as society also means cooperation in heterogeneous (learning) groups. Together with students* from the 5th to 9th grade of the Gemeinschaftsschule West and Uhland-Gymnasium we explored Tübingen in March and April 2018.