In an one week seminar in Tübingen, Germany, we reflected with young volunteers on social and political transformations we’d like to promote.
During the process, we realized that we were all completely conscious of the urgency to put such transformations into practice. Instead of oral discussions, we applied creative tools like collective sketching or stop-motion video-production to denounce various forms of oppression present in the participants everyday lives and to design possible worlds, yet to be created through collective struggle. Besides that, we reflected on forms of intervention in public space to visualize struggles and their demands.
After exploring the streets of Tübingen, in search of graffiti and politically engaged street art, we decided to give visibility to what had been discussed during our own reflections. Thus, to conclude the week, we painted a mural on a public wall, illustrating our insights, demands and utopic visions… The message is clear: «Make love, peace and anarchy not profit, industrial meat production, machismo, war and environmental destruction!»