Our Whiteboard-Tutorial ‚Von eigenen und anderen Karten‚ – drawing by Jonathan Wright – is a quick and easy introduction to critical cartography and collective mapping. The Spanish version ‚Sobre unos y otros mapas‘ has now been created by TuTela in collaboration with Dresda Emma Méndez de la Brena. The video may be a useful tool for collective mapping in your neighborhood, youth club, social movement or university in the Spanish-speaking world.
In their workshops, the TuTela Network has realised collective mappings with school and university students and resident groups, using kollektiv orangotango’s knowledge and materials both as a technical guide and inspiration. Similarly, the collaboration with kollektiv orangotango contributed to collective mapping processes in the project ‚Albayzín, patrimonio humano‚ realised by the Gómez Moreno Elementary School and in the workshops of the Ajuntamiento-Plataforma Vecinal Albayzín in Granada.