In the summer of 2015, together with activists from „Lampedusa in Hamburg„, we painted a mural above the Port of Hamburg. In doing so, we not only tied in with the traditional facade paintings of the famous Hafenstrasse-houses there, but also demanded, that freedom of movement must apply not only to goods, but also to people.
FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT is a collaboration project of:
* Lampedusa in Hamburg
* kollektiv orangotango
* St. Pauli selber machen!
* Reclaim Your City
Many thanks to Jan Rosenstock from 6ten Lachs who produced the video for us! The music is from DJ Kitumba’s „Massive Afro-House Mix“.
A big thank you also goes to the housing project Parkhaus Pinnasberg of the cooperative St. Pauli Hafenstraße eG for the great wall and hospitality as well as to Hanseatische Materialverwaltung and MEGA for the colorful support.
We continue to look for color and walls, welcome feedback and are open to criticism.