This map gives visibility to the struggles for the right to housing in times of Covid-19 in Brazil and provides useful information to those threatened by the increased housing precarity that this crisis has led to.
A Right to a Garden City?
The urban gardens of Berlin exist under the recurring threat of closure. As part of the Gemeingut Grün Fact-Finding Committee at the Center for Art and Urbanism (ZK/U), Kerstin Meyer and Marco Clausen formulated a draft for a tenure treaty for Berlin gardens.
Solidarity and Assistance in Rio Grande do Sul
In the wake of the Corona pandemic, together with activist geographers of the UFRGS’s Geografia Litoral, we created this map to support solidarity organizing in Rio Grande do Sul.
«CITY OF OZ» – Eine Graffiti-Legende kollektiv kartieren
»OZ hat uns die Stadt vererbt«: Das stand auf einem Banner bei der Beerdigung von Walter Fischer. Am 25.9.2017 ist Walter seit drei Jahren tot, aber unvergessen und immer noch unübersehbar, immer noch all city. Um seiner zu erinnern, zu gedenken und um die Diskussion um die Freiheit von unkommerzieller Kunst im öffentlichen Raum voranzutreiben, haben wir die Website ins Leben gerufen.
Gentrification, Displacement and Resistance in Kreuzberg 36
In 2014, jointly with several local housing rights groups, squats and community organizers, we created the map «Gentrification, Displacement and Resistance in Kreuzberg 36»
Map of Urban Gardens in Berlin
The Berliner Gartenkarte is a collective mapping initiative, formed by local students and researchers in collaboration with the urban agriculture community, that intends to visualize the gardens’ spatial distribution.
Allmende Kontor Community Garden Map
The map is the result of a collective mapping workshop with community gardeners and the organizing team of the Allmende-Kontor on the Tempelhofer Feld in Berlin. By informing about the […]