For the exhibition “León Ferrari – Reproducing Them Infinitely” at the neurotitan gallery, kollektiv orangotango carried out collective mapping. In collaboration with Sol Undurraga we designed a mural in the backyard of Haus Schwarzenberg for the International Day Against Enforced Disappearances 2021.
Alto a la Represión
Um unsere Solidarität mit dem Kampf des kolumbianischen Volkes für Gerechtigkeit und gegen die Repression zum Ausdruck zu bringen, haben wir – eine Gruppe junger Künstler*innen-Aktivist*nnen aus Tübingen, kollektiv orangotango – im Juli ’21 beschlossen, ein Wandbild am Epplehaus zu malen.
Scank vive!
This mural, created by Tübingen artist Marvin Daumüller together with kollektiv orangotango and activists from Epplehaus, symbolizes not only Scank’s artistic legacy and Leonice’s struggle, but also that of all BPOC mothers around the world who fight for the lives and memory of their children and against racist hatred and policies that cement social inequalities.
I Viaggi del Mammuttino
In early 2020, we painted a collective mural at the columns of Piazza Ciro Esposito, in the Scampia district of Naples, Italy. The mural tells the story of the Centro Territoriale Mammut and its struggle of appropriating public space through popular education.
Vos tenés la bala, nosotras tenemos la palabra
Mural in memory of Berta Cáceres & Marielle Franco
WIR BLEIBEN ALLE – Mural at Kreuzberger Waldemarstraße 81
In summer 2019, the collectives pappsatt and orangotango redesigned the old mural on the front of the building at Waldemarstraße 81 in Berlin-Kreuzberg together with the residents of the house. […]
Make Love, Peace and Anarchy…
In an one week seminar in Tübingen, Germany, we reflected with young volunteers on social and political transformations we’d like to promote.
sOs – school WITHOUT school
sOs – school WITHOUT school („Schule OHNE Schule“) means for us learning in society. That implies leaving the school building: Out of the classroom, on streets, in parks and on squares. Instead of curriculum and authority figures, we dealt with self-organised discussions, decisions and actions. Learning in and as society also means cooperation in heterogeneous (learning) groups. Together with students* from the 5th to 9th grade of the Gemeinschaftsschule West and Uhland-Gymnasium we explored Tübingen in March and April 2018.
Epplehaus Tübingen neu bemalt
Das selbstverwaltete Jugendzentrum Epplehaus Tübingen bietet, seit der Besetzung nach einem Ton Steine Scherben-Konzert 1972 Raum für Jugendkultur, Debatten und Selbstorganisation. 2007 war kollektiv orangotango an der großflächigen Bemalung der […]
“Lampedusa in Hamburg” Mural
This mural was created in summer 2015 in cooperation with “Lampedusa in Hamburg” in the Bernhard-Nocht-Straße on St.Pauli. Under the name “Lampedusa in Hamburg” about 300 refugees have been organizing […]
In the summer of 2015, together with activists from “Lampedusa in Hamburg“, we painted a mural above the Port of Hamburg. In doing so, we not only tied in with […]
Espacio Zapata
En la primavera de 2015 algun@s miembr@s del colectivo de artistas ASARO nos invitaron a pintar una parte de la pared exterior del Espacio Zapata, en Oaxaca. Esta pintura fue la ocasión para una discusión sobre las diferencias y similitudes de las luchas anticapitalistas en Europa y México, así como sobre los retos y la represión, que estas enfrentan en los distintos contextos.