As part of the Week of Change 2018, we organized coffee, cake and a pop-up repairshop for a discussion of the Tempelhofer Feld as commons.
All materials on this page can be used for your mapping. We welcome feedback and self-developed icons – tell us about your experiences with these and self-developed materials! Right to […]
collective critical mapping manual Inspired by the “mapeo coletivo” of the iconoclasistas from Buenos Aires, we have designed the manual ‘Collective Critical Mapping’. It offers suggestions to inspire political practice […]
Test Run for the Schools of Tomorrow
On June 13 and 14, 2018, a test run for the schools of the future took place at the House of World Cultures HKW in Berlin. In an experimental timetable, the participants of 21 school projects that had taken place within the framework of Schools of Tomorrow tested their contribution to the utopian school of tomorrow together.
L’Adolescenza delle Città
Im Projekt L’Adolescenza delle Città erforschten Menschen verschiedenen Alters, mit und ohne Migrationserfahrung, die selbst in unterschiedlichen Stadtteilen leben, Mailänder Peripherien. Die einjährige Aktionsforschung wurde vom Arbeitsbereich Città e Cittadinanza […]
sOs – school WITHOUT school
sOs – school WITHOUT school („Schule OHNE Schule“) means for us learning in society. That implies leaving the school building: Out of the classroom, on streets, in parks and on squares. Instead of curriculum and authority figures, we dealt with self-organised discussions, decisions and actions. Learning in and as society also means cooperation in heterogeneous (learning) groups. Together with students* from the 5th to 9th grade of the Gemeinschaftsschule West and Uhland-Gymnasium we explored Tübingen in March and April 2018.
With their latest project, “New Experts”, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) seeks to recognize high-school students of the Staatliche Europaschulen Berlin as experts regarding questions of migration and arriving in a new society. In our cooperation with the HKW, we tried not to focus on the prevalent discourse in which migration is often presented as a problem. Rather, we adopted a post-migrant approach that accepts migration and arriving as one basic element in society occurring on different scales and integrating physical-spatial as well as social or psychological phenomena.
Kiez Fights and Protest Art in Kreuzberg
Berlin-Kreuzberg has been the venue for various social conflicts and struggles for years and is an example of the current conflicts over upgrading and displacement in Berlin. Artistic interventions in […]
Dreckige Hände
Das Buch »Gemeinsam die Hände dreckig machen« gibt Einblicke in Aktionsforschungen zu urbanen Gärten und kritischen Karten zwischen Berlin und Medellín. Durch den Versuch, Praxis und Theorie zusammenzubringen, wird mit dieser Art der Forschung Wissenschaft in ein Werkzeug des Widerstands verwandelt.
Cartografia critica: verso una nuova costruzione sociale dello spazio
Für das italienische WOTS Magazine haben wir einen Artikel über kritische Kartographie geschrieben, der einige Gedanken zu Kartenkritik und dem Potential kritischer kollektiver Kartierungen zusammenfasst. Illustriert ist der Artikel mit […]
Upgrading, displacement and resistance in Kreuzberg
A map which shows current stuggles and processes of upgrading, displacement and resistance in Berlin-Kreuzberg
Collective Mapping in Düsseldorf-Oberbilk
In the summer of 2017, we conducted a workshop on collective appropriation of urban space in the Düsseldorf district of Oberbilk together with the open community garden düsselgrün and the association for the promotion of a social-ecological neighbourhood Niemandsland e.V. In a collective mapping process, activists and residents exchanged ideas about the reality and potentials of collectively used spaces in the district.